

Employee Accuses ARM Pension Executive of Sexual Assault During Office Party

An HR Business Partner at ARM Pension, Ogochukwu Odogwu, has publicly accused Abisola Onigbogi, the firm's Executive Director of Technical, of sexually assaulting her during an office party on July 18, 2024. Odogwu alleges that Onigbogi raped her after she lost consciousness following what was meant to be a celebratory event.

According to Odogwu, she attended the office party and consumed a small amount of whiskey mixed with Coke, which was served by a colleague. She last recalls the evening around 7:30-8:00 p.m. and remembers feeling tipsy, prompting a colleague, Damilola Oluyori, to arrange for her to be driven home by Onigbogi, who reportedly lived nearby.

Odogwu claims that she later woke up at Limeridge Hotel in Lagos, fully undressed and in significant pain. She reports finding her belongings in disarray and experiencing physical trauma. The following morning, she contacted Onigbogi for an explanation, but received no response.

The incident has had a profound impact on Odogwu's life, affecting her mental and physical health as well as her responsibilities as a single mother. She has reported the assault to ARM Pension’s Head of HR and other senior executives and has sought medical treatment, including post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV.

Odogwu is calling for a full investigation by the Lagos State government and legal action against Onigbogi and any individuals who may have facilitated the assault. She has also requested time off work to recover from the trauma.

ARM Pension has not yet issued a public statement regarding the allegations.

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